Business & Economics
The Durni Dozen
How to use trust and effective relationship-building to create sales success by Robin Arthur Durni
The Durni Dozen is a comprehensive guide to effective sales strategies. Robin Durni’s twelve steps toward becoming successful in sales outline a process beginning with preparation, understanding your client, and knowing the true value and purpose...
The Way of the Co-Creative Leader
Transform your mindset and your leadership style to increase your impact as a leader everywhere in your life! by Steffan Surdek
It’s time to change your leadership game! The meaning of the word leadership is currently in major flux in many organizations around the world. Being a leader is no longer about having all the answers, making all the decisions, driving your team...
You Want My Repeat Business?
Success Alignment by Gerry Shortill
So many small businesses fail without the owners understanding the true root causes of why, and believe that if they had more money, they could have prevailed. Was it the Location? Timing? The economy? Staffing? Customer service? All the above...
Building Bigger & Better
Growth Strategies of Top-Producing Financial Advisors by Daniel Collison
Top-Producing financial advisors choose not only to succeed, but to thrive. Building Bigger & Better shows you exactly how they do that. The 80/20 rule is alive and thriving in the financial services industry. Approximately 20% of financial...
The Book on Testing
For a World that Runs on Software by Alex Rodov
More than ever, we depend on software to get through our everyday lives. It’s embedded in our smartphones, cars, children’s toys, and household appliances (even our toasters), and it’s transforming our world. This brave new world of technology...
Chintrepreneurship or Shanzhai Model
Why and How Did You Lose in China – The Land of Shanzhai by Jiangning Zhao
Theoretically, the formational and developmental mechanism of Shanzhai Model (the Chintrepreneurship, the China-way of Doing Business) theorized in this text, in addition to complying with the traditionally Western dominated frameworks of...
Digital Minds
A Strategic Approach to Connecting and Engaging with Your Customers Online by WSI World
In today's marketing world, it isn't a question of whether you're doing digital marketing; it's a question of whether you're doing it better than your competitors! Over the years, digital marketing has become more and more complex and...
Ethics for Capitalists
A Systematic Approach to Business Ethics, Competition, and Market Failure by Joseph Heath
Ethics for Capitalists offers a powerful new statement of the Market Failures Approach to business ethics. While the competitive context of the market economy provides economic actors greater freedom to pursue their interests, it also imposes...
Dying to be Seen
The Race to Save Medicare in Canada by Cathy MacNeil
Canada’s public health care system is under attack. Defunding, deregulating, defrauding, and deliberate disintegration have manipulated Canadians into despising their once-beloved system as unsustainable, unfixable, and cost-prohibitive. There is...
Crisis and Calm
Canada’s Central Bank From Dot-Com 2000 Through 2020 Covid Lockdown by Greg Quinn
This book documents a remarkable yet little-examined time for Canada’s economy and the people who manage it, from the Y2K bug and dot-com boom through the “Great Moderation” of inflation, to the global recession of 2008 and the Covid recession of...